David Lopez
David has studied massage from a “trauma healing” perspective, recognizing that not only physical hurt but also emotional hurt can be stored in the body as soreness and chronic pain. David works to help his clients remember their body/mind connection and balance. David has also studied and uses Somatic Experiencing® (SE) to assist clients in resolving their body trauma by restoring their body’s’ natural physiology and balance. David also completed studies to become a Substance Use Disorder Counselor and is able to bring a unique blend of understanding and compassion to his work. Among the more common massage modalities, David has studied Deep Tissue Sculpting, Sensory Re-patterning, Rhythmic Deep Tissue Blends, Chair massage, Table Thai (R), and Swedish. He has also trained in body energy modalities including Reiki (Master/Teacher), Cranial-Sacral, and JinShin. His highlights include:

• Obtained AS Science - International School of Professional Bodyworker IPSB

• Obtained his Somatic Experiencing SE training through SE Training Institute – a three year trauma treatment certification training for health care professionals

• Completed his Holistic Health Practitioner HHP

• Completed his Relational-Somatics Specialization Training

• Completed specialized trauma education from The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT)

• Substance Use Disorder Counselor (CAADAC) trained at UCSD.

• ​​County of San Diego Public Defenders Office - Substance Use Assessor (Internship)

• Attended advanced training on domestic violence and supervised visitation with the Judicial Council of Ca.
• Earned BA Psychology with Addictions Concentration degree from SNHU


Integrative Bodywork Massage Therapy
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"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain
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