Stephanie Meredith
"The good life is a process, not a state of being.   It is a direction not a destination." ​- ​Carl Rogers
Stephanie has a unique talent for using Somatic Awareness through all channels of the body, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual to facilitate healing. She is certified domestic violence counselor and received specialized trauma education from The Institute of Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (IVAT). ​

​​Stephanie's training includes Pediatric Trauma Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and structural organization with the ROLF method, Pregnancy Massage, and Deep Tissue blends.

​​Stephanie assisted as faculty at the International Professional School of Bodywork in Moving Soma, a somatic movement class, and communications courses. Her energetic studies include Reiki, and Native American Medicine Wheel. Some of Stephanie's accomplishments are:

• Obtained her AS Science from International School of Professional Bodywork

• Became a Certified Massage Therapist

• Completed Holistic Health Practitioner HHP Certificate

• California State Certified Domestic Violence Counselor

• ​Faculty Training at IPSB - International Professional School of Bodywork             

• Substance Use Disorder Counselor (CAADAC) trained at UCSD.

• Undergoing her Somatic Experiencing SE training through SE Training Institute – a 3 year trauma treatment certification training for health care professionals

• Substance Use Disorder Counselor (Interned at Scripps Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program​​, San Diego)

Integrative Bodywork Massage Therapy
My Somatic Bodywork Copyright - 2019
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